Sandra is from Poland and 24 years old. She is a photomodel and working as a part time escort. She has long brown hair and dark eyes.Be careful dont get lost in them. She likes going to gym and pilates. So she keep her body in form all the time.She is not petite nor fat. She is in the middle with sexy curves.She likes holidays, sea sun and yachting.She loves big boats and sailing. She loves to travel and see new culteres and countries.She likes turkish and italian cuisine.This girl is really full of fun and great services in bedroom she can provide. She likes to try different games in bed. When you are with her we can guarentee that she can put a smile on your face. She has angelic smile and if you wanna have great time she would be the right choice. 1-2 hours wont be enough for sure. You will fall in love with this beauty.